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Broken Nose/Tail

Maintaining the flex


At some point you are going to break a nose, tail or snap a board in half.  Its not the end of the world, I can fix it.  Its the same story, clean out the damaged glass, let it dry properly, glass it back together in a way that maintains the flex and strength.  (How is my trade secret) 

In the worst cases the damage can be covered up with a contrasting airbrush, or just leave it as it is and show the battle scar!

The Basic Ding

​A repair without compromise.


Here we have a basic ding, they key is to not just slap some glass on it but to make it like new.  That means letting it dry properly, cutting out the damaged area, filling the hole, patching it up and hot coating before final sanding.  



Note: Epoxy Repairs + 15%

So you dinged your board.  Heavy wipeout?  Kook dropped in on you?  Or maybe it was an out of the water accident.  I have been shaping, glassing, sanding, polishing and repairing boards for over 20 years.  Bring me your ding and I will get it taken care of.


Fin Box Repair

Out with the old, in with the new


Another common repair, the force exerted on the box can over time cause stress cracks and leaks.  Or more often a collision with another board, rock or even riding it in just a bit too long can cause the fin to snap off and in some cases tear out the box.

To do this one right the damage must be cut away, the hole filled, a new box reset and glassed in correctly before a final hot coat and sand for a smooth finish.

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